Friday 2 July 2010


I fucking hate blogs, so I’ll say this all straight up, from the very start; this is NOT any sort of 15-year-old-girl’s struggle through teenage life poetry page, nor is it an angry liberal’s ranting at the oppressive government, it is not a stuck-up post-uni media student’s review pages, nor is it a place for some faggot too-lazy-for-flickr wannabe photographer to show off their boring pictures, and no, I don’t work for a tech review site. Now we’ve got all the blogger-clichés out of the way, I s’pose I can actually introduce myself; I’m 19 and live near the sea (although, if you’re bothering to read this, you probably already knew that, seeing as I doubt any strangers will find this page particularly riveting) I fix washy-things for a living and also carry them up awkward flights of stairs. I have nearly no useful hobbies and/or interests, so if you were looking for a useful/fun person then kindly move along. Saying that, I do seem to have a scary amount of people approach me on a regular basis, exclaiming their love/hate for me, so I s’pose there IS something that makes me popular, I just haven’t discovered what it is yet. If you’ve read this far, I applaud you but unfortunately I have very little left to say as an introduction; other than enjoy this blog, as I will mostly be using it as a kind-of eDiary, to document anything remotely important that happens during my life (or atleast, until I forget I have this blog.. yeah? Lets be honest, there probably wont be a great deal of time before THAT happens) anyway, this is it, read it or go away. ktnxbye

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